New resources for parents during coronavirus

Since the start of the pandemic we have been working with local parents and Community and Maternity Champions to produce useful resources for parents during coronavirus

We know that now, more than ever, parents need trustworthy and clear information. Please help us to share these resources widely. We have sent them to local GPs and have been sharing them on Twitter and on WhatsApp via our Practice Champions

Please get in touch if you have any questions about the resources

Advice for parents during coronavirus

Advice for parents thumbnail

The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health produced this poster with advice on what to do if a child is unwell or injured during coronavirus. On the back of the poster you will find helpful links and answers to the frequently asked questions we have heard from parents

Updated 26 July 2021




How to access local emergency services during coronavirus

emergency care
Information on urgent and emergency services for children across Hammersmith and Fulham, Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster during coronavirus

Updated 26 July 2021





Parents coronavirus FAQ blog

We have been regularly updating our blog to answer the questions we have heard from patents. You will find lots of helpful links as well as information on local support

Advice for parents on vision and hearing checks for five year olds

Thumbnail for vision and hearing poster
Advice on signs to look out for at home if your child might have problems with their vision or hearing and where you can get help







Advice for parents on routine childhood vaccinations during coronavirus

childhood vaccinations during coronavirus
Answers to parents frequently asked questions about vaccinations during coronavirus. 

Updated 7 June 2020






Real dangers of missing routine childhood vaccinations 

Thumbnail of dangers of missing vaccinations poster
Answers to common concerns about vaccines and more information on the risks from some of the main diseases covered by routine vaccinations






Children's flu vaccine information

Flu vaccine for children

Answering questions on the influenza vaccine for children 








Advice on when you need to keep your unwell child off school

Thumbnail of school advice poster
A flowchart to help parents to spot the symptoms of coronavirus and decide when to keep their child off school at the moment.

Update 9 Oct 2020






Advice in other languages

Government advice on testing and treatment and what to do if you develop symptoms of coronavirus is also available in languages other than English on GOV.UK.

We have put together a list of other helpful translated healthcare resources from reliable sources. We'd love to hear your experience of using these resources, if there are other useful resources you use or if you are looking for other translations, please get in touch