
We host quarterly webinars to share what we have learnt since setting up Connecting Care for Children. We love hearing what other teams are doing so we have designed the session to be as interactive as possible, with lots of opportunity to ask questions and to build connections.

Next date: Thursday 12th June 2025,15:00 - 16:30 PM on Microsoft Teams 

Please email imperial.cc4c@nhs.net to find out more or book your place.

CC4C Network Meeting

CC4C has always been interested in sharing, learning and supporting other teams who are interested in setting up a GP Child Health Hub model of care for children and young people. We host regular network meetings to share learning and to collaborate on different projects.

Next date: Friday 23rd May 2025, 15:00 - 16:00 on Microsoft Teams 

Please email imperial.cc4c@nhs.net to find out more or book your place.

Find out more

Find out more about the work our network has done, read our evaluation from three teams across the UK

Integrated care children’s health GP Hubs, evaluation from across the UK


CC4C Integrated Research Meeting

We host quarterly CC4C research meetings, on the 3rd Friday of the month, bringing together different research teams, clinicians and other professionals with an interest in paediatric integrated care. 

Next date: to be confirmed

Please email imperial.cc4c@nhs.net to find out more or book your place

Find out more

Researchers will be welcome to come along and hear what is going on or to present their proposals, in order to:

  • Find collaborators/develop synergies
  • Receive some challenge/support

Interest is likely to fall into one of these categories:

  • Innovation based around horizontal or vertical integration eg improving the early identification of infants with cow’s milk protein allergy eg the impact of 3-way video consultations (patient, GP and specialist) 
  • Engagement with the local population of CYP/families (PPI) eg to prioritise the research agenda
  • Use and development of population data sets (via WSIC) eg to link NHS with local authority data
  • Consideration of patient recruitment from primary care for studies (via the Clinical Research Networks) eg antibody responses to routine vaccines eg improving outcomes for children with recurrent wheeze attacks
  • Professional development/teaching eg teaching professionals to appropriately identify Long Covid in children
  • Research skills support

If in between research meetings you can join our weekly lab meetings, every Friday 12:30-2:00 PM, for more support, email imperial.cc4c@nhs.net for more information.