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It was fantastic to be at this year's RCPCH conference in Birmingham. Here are some of our personal highlights from a busy and inspiring conference, packed with lots of conversations about integrated care:

  • Thank you to the British Association of General Paediatricians who invited Dr Mando Watson to speak as part of their specialty session 'Your Future General Paediatrician: empowered, collaborative and impactful – exploring an exciting future'
  • We were especially proud to see Dr Mando Watson awarded an Horary Fellowship of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health at the conference
  • Dr Liv Cox and Dr Emily Richard's shared posters of the work they'd undertaken during their integrated paediatrics rotation with Connecting Care for Children. Emily shared what joining the conference meant to her "I was excited to attend the RCPCH conference and present my poster about the asthma work CC4C has been doing in North West London. It was a great day to network with paediatricians from other hospitals, attend lectures, and talk about integrated paediatric care when presenting my poster. Thank you to CC4C for supporting me in attending this conference"

The picture shows Dr Liv Cox next to her poster with Dr Watson
Find out more about the work they shared by clicking on the poster titles:

Do integrated paediatric asthma interventions in one ICS reach those most in need in the community that they serve?
Taking primary care services to refugee children: the impact of delivering a health engagement session in the community for the local refugee population


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