Sharing our work through videos
Kiera looks back on the work we have done together over the past few years and shares advice for other professionals who want to involve young people in their improvement projects.
The benefits of paediatricians doing monthly clinics in a GP practice, with the GP
This film uses a simulation of an asthma attack and shows the benefits of an integrated care system that includes members of the public as equal partners (Vimeo log in required)

Collaborating with the NHS to Develop Award winning 'Fix Freddie'
Using a puppet show to convey a message of alternative pathways to visiting Accident and Emergency and supporting local people to build relationships with their healthcare providers
NHS Fix Freddie show:
Working together, professionals and parents, to tackle high numbers of young children presenting to A&E with minor illnesses (Vimeo log in required) (Vimeo log in required)
CC4C and sequential simulation: how to help your unwell child
A powerful form of community engagement, including members of the public as equal partners and using simulation to learn together how to better manage acutely unwell children
CC4C and Parkview Olympics
An award-winning project designed and delivered by local parents to support children and young people to maintain a healthy weight through community activity at zero cost
Video made by Fredeo Films.
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