Showing 85-90 of 100 results
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Looking at child health in Japan
For two weeks in June I participated in the Royal College of General Practitioners medical exchange to Japan to experience its healthcare services
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Spotting the sick child
As a paediatrician, how can I provide a 20 minute guide for GPs on spotting the sick child? This task seemed impossible until I teamed up with the GPs themselves.
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Paediatrics at the GP's surgery: putting heads together
When I attended my first hub clinic I was thrilled to see paediatrics and GPs coming together
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Did it work the way we hoped it would?
When designing a new service, it is crucial that we fully evaluate it so we can understand if it produced the outcomes desired, and to what extent. We carried out a mixed methods service evaluation…
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Integrated child health: time to move centre-stage
Three key themes helped to create a great sense of shared purpose around integrated child health at an event this week
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The waiting room: can we make the wait worthwhile?
Most medical appointments involve spending some time in the waiting room. If, like me, you are a parent of a toddler, you have probably become quite familiar with a number of waiting rooms,…