Resources for professionals
Here you can find resources for professionals
Non clinical resources
The Child Health Hub model delivers the benefits of early intervention and improved access to specialist child health.
Find out more in this report
CC4C paediatricians have developed a segmentation model to support and improve healthcare commissioning |
Interested in setting up a similar model of integrated child health? Read our how to guide to find out how we got started with our GP child health hubs |
Experience Mapping is a tool for sharing patient experience. We have put together a how to guide with tips and advice on how to do Experience Mapping. |
How the NHS works for young people - healthcare professionals Answering frequently asked questions from healthcare professionals about what changes when a patient turns 16 |
How the NHS works for young people - parents and carers Answering parents and carers questions and sharing top tips |
Sharing advice for young people about their rights in the NHS |
Report: Healthcare for refugees - reflecting on experiences at the Metropole Hotel We worked with refugees from Afghanistan who were living in temporary accommodation in North West London, sharing advice on how to navigate the NHS |
Clinical Resources
Links to useful information on common childhood conditions, to help support primary care and community care health professionals
MMR (mumps, measles and rubella) vaccine resources:
Parents questions about the MMR vaccine answered
What are the challenges around MMR vaccine uptake and some tips for GP surgeries
We summarised what families have told us over the last few months about routine childhood vaccinations (and the MMR vaccine in particular) in the two resources above
Resources developed to support child health professionals in North West London during the pandemic |
key information for healthcare professionals on Monkeypox |
Height and weight measurement poster
A poster to improve young people's experience of being weighed and measured. Please print out and display this poster near the scales.
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