Showing 1-6 of 25 results
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Managing Childrens' Asthma at Home - Information for Parents & Carers
As a GP trainee working with Connecting Care for Children, I’ve spoken to young people with asthma and their families about their experiences with healthcare. From these conversations, I noticed…
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Lessons learnt (so far) from establishing models of integrated clinical care for children and young people
We are always learning. In healthcare, we learn most from children and families. CC4C also learns a great deal from colleagues working across the UK and beyond. Many like-minded individuals meet…
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Child Health Hub ICS Value Analysis
How do we approach value and the economics of the Child Health Hub model of care? With the help Economics By Design, we analysed the value of the Child Health Hub. The impact of the Hub extends to…
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Poor transition is contributing to a decline in young people’s health How can we help?
What is transition? Transition of care is when young people move from paediatric to adult healthcare. This is often a daunting period for young people as they try to navigate NHS systems for the…
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Good news report from the NHS Confederation's Primary Care Conference
Good news report from the NHS Confederation's Primary Care Conference. Mando Watson joined Matthew Taylor, the Confederation's chief executive, Michael Smith, Matthew Taylor, Dr Sy Ganesaratnam for…
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The importance of having CAMHS professionals in a GP MDT
Over the last few years the success of the GP Child hubs has grown and grown. The concept is simple; to have a group of GP practices come together once a month with a general paediatrician for an…